While it’s true that ad agencies are an investment, you and your business could save considerable money by working with an agency who will likely have close ties to media channels, providing cheaper rates than an individual trying to work with them on their own. Media Partners Worldwide, for example, specializes in remnant radio which is advertising space that has gone unsold and as such is made available to us at a steep discount off of their normal rate cards close to airtime. This is due to our relationships with various broadcast partners. Agencies, like us, with a firm grasp on marketing, can keep costs down by running your ads at best times to provide an effective advertising campaign.
Since your brand is everything to you, as a business owner, developing and protecting your content can be complicated. Ad agencies understand this and know how to create brand awareness while offering you research to determine your most effective market.
This is especially great for small business who may not have the time or manpower to do this themselves.
To learn more about advertising, specifically remnant, and what we, at Media Partners Worldwide offer, check out our website at www.mediapartnersworldwide.comm or give us a call at (562) 439- 3900